Ana María Celis Brunet

Professor, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Santiago, Chile 

Ana María Celis is an Attorney at Law. She received her License and Doctoral degree in Canon Law at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana (Rome, Italy) with the dissertation on “La relevancia canónica del matrimonio civil a la luz de la Teoría general del Acto jurídico, contribución teórica a la experiencia jurídica chilena”. Professor Celis teaches Canon Law and Law and Religion at the Law Faculty of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, as well as post-graduate courses in different programs. She is the Director of the Canon Law Department of her Faculty, and she is the director of the Centro de Libertad Religiosa – Derecho UC that began in 2005 as a center for studying church-state matters and promoting religious freedom

From 2005-2013 she was the secretary of the Consorcio Latinoamericano de Libertad Religiosa, and recently she has been elected as its President. She is Vice President of the International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ICLARS).