ACLU Media Release – October 24, 2012
Tacoma – The Pierce County Jail is adopting new policies to protect the religious freedom of inmates, according to a settlement agreement announced today by the ACLU of Washington and the Public Interest Law Group, PLLC (PILG). The settlement is a result of a lawsuit that challenged jail officials’ failure to accommodate the religious needs of Muslim inmates and their operation of a program that granted extra benefits and services to Christian inmates. The ACLU-WA and PILG filed the suit (Tarrer v. Pierce County) in U.S. District Court in Tacoma in September 2010 on behalf of inmates at the jail.
“Persons of all faiths have a constitutional right to practice their religion. This settlement will help ensure fair treatment for Muslims inmates and for inmates of all faiths,” said ACLU-WA staff attorney La Rond Baker. Continue reading…