3 April 2012. Seven states file suit against Obama administration’s contraception mandate. (Loren Heal, Heartlander)
2 April 2012. Will the Obamacare decision influence the HHS mandate? (Mark Rienzi, National Review Online)
26 March 2012. The Constitution vs. Obamacare. (Editorial, National Review Online)
26 March 2012. Can religious freedom be saved? (An online symposium). (National Review Online)
25 March 2012. Guest column: The HHS Mandate and the First Amendment. (Patrick T. Gillen, Naples News.com)
24 March 2012. Thousands rally for religious freedom, against Obama’s birth control mandate. (Alex Murashko, Christian Post)
24 March 2012. Richard Dawkins to atheist rally: ‘Show contempt’ for faith. (Cathy Lynn Grossman, Faith & Reason)
24 March 2012. Religious freedom rally draws a crowd in San Francisco. (Sandy Kleffman, Mercury News) [Orlando]
24 March 2012. Unprecedented media coverage for 3/23 rallies. (Matt Yonke, Stand Up for Religious Freedom)
22 March 2012. Obamacare: The reckoning. (Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post)
22 March 2012. New health care law fails to empower people. (Culture Watch, The Heritage Foundation)
22 March 2012. Alabama joins Becket Fund fight against unconstitutional HHS mandate. (Emily Hardman, The Becket Fund)
22 March 2012. Becket Fund sponsors Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies in more than 100 U.S. cities on March 23. (Becket Fund Press Release)
16 March 2012. Administration ‘Taking another Mulligan,’ fails for the fourth time to protect religious liberty. (Becket Fund Press Release)
14 March 2012. Catholic bishops double down in defending the religious liberty rights of all Americans. (Kathryn Lopez, CatholicVote.org)
14 March 2012. ‘The Growing Threat to Religious Liberty’ by Dr. Ritch Boerckel. (Milke Miller, Voices of Fatih: A Religion Blog)
10 March 2012. Becket Fund lawsuit against Obama birth control mandate signals culture wars jump. (Jon Ward, Huffington Post)
9 March 2012. Why claims of conscience matter: Government can and should find a way to provide service while simultaneously upholding religious liberty. (Charles Haynes, pal-item.com)
9 March 2012. What war on religion? (Rev. Richard Cizik, HuffPost Religion)
8 March 2012. Limbaugh’s words overwhelm bishops’ ‘religious liberty’ call. (Cathy Lyn Grossman, Faith & Reason)
8 March 2012. Morning Bell: The calls for liberty have not been silenced. (Mike Brownfield, The Foundry)
8 March 2012. The ACLU’s attack on civil liberties. (Anna Rittgers, Deseret News)
7 March 2012. It’s about religious liberty, not birth control. (Asma T. Uddin and Ashley McGuire, The Washington Post On Faith)
5 March 2012. First of Freedoms? How religious liberty could become a second-class right. (Mary Ann Glendon, America)
5 March 2012. Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice campaign highlights religious support for access to birth control, challenges Catholic hierarchy and religious extremist claims about “religious liberty.” (Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, PR Newswire via San Francisco Bee)
4 March 2012. Trautman: Bishops will likely file suit ‘to protect our religious liberty.’ (Bishop Donald W. Trautman. GoErie.com)
3 March 2012. “The Truth Should Not Be a Secret” videos seek to debunk false claims about the Obamcare / HHS contraception mandate. (Becket Fund for Religious Liberty)
2 March 2012. Women bash contraception mandate as infringement on religious liberty. (Brian Tumulty, Star Gazette)
3 March 2012. More ‘confusion than clarity’ about HHS mandate, says Cardinal Dolan. (Catholic News Service via St. Louis Review)
2 March 2012. The contraceptive mandate – a power struggle between ideologies. (Charlie Butts, OneNewsNow)
1 March 2012. Birth control exemption bill, the ‘Blunt amendment,’ killed in Senate. (N. C. Aizenman and Rosalind Helderman, The Washington Post)
1 March 2012. John Boehner vague on House’s next steps in contraception fight. (J. Lester Feder, Politico Pro)
1 March 2012. Women’s health v. religious liberty. (Mark Misulia, First Things)
1 March 2012. Head to Head: Should birth control be considered an ‘essential benefit’ in health plans? (Editorial, The Sacramento Bee)
1 March 2012. Morning Bell: Two centuries of religious freedom rolled back. (Mike Brownfield, The Heritage Foundation)
27 February 2012. Birth control controversies multiply. (J. Lester Feder, Politico.com)
27 February 2012. His Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan signs statement rejecting HHS contraception mandate. (Kristina Arriaga, The Becket Fund Press Release)
27 February 2012. Women speak out: Obamacare tramples religious liberties. (The Heritage Foundation)
25 February 2012. Michigan files lawsuit against unconstitutional Obama health care mandate. (Insurancenewsnet.com)
25 February 2012. Republicans are in danger of losing the contraceptive fight. (Peter Roff, U.S. News)
24 February 2012. Thousands more oppose Obamacare mandate’s religious liberty violations. (Sarah Torre, The Foundry)
24 February 2012. The Obama Administration’s defense of religious liberty. (Joseph Knippenberg, First Things) [response to Chapman]
23 February 2012. Obama’s defense of religion: How he’s expanded freedom for the faithful. (Steve Chapman, The Chcago Tribune)
23 February 2012. The Becket Fund releases new video: Debunking false claims about the HHH mandate. (Jeff Glaser, The Becket Fund)
21 February 2012. HHS and soft totalitarianism. (George Weigel, Ethics and Public Policy Center)
21 February 2012. Religious liberty doesn’t void other rights. (Janice M. Eisen, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
21 February 2012. Religious liberty and credibility. (Brian Cahill, San Francisco Chronicle)
21 February 2012. A religious exemption for contraception coverage is bad medicine. (Paula A. Johnson, MD, MPH, Common Health)
21 February 2012. Ave Maria University files legal challenge against HHH mandate. (Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register) [Becket Fund Press Release]
21 February 2012. Religious liberty, the contraceptives mandate, and civility. (Josh Good, Patheos)
19 February 2012. Religious liberty? Obama administration abandons and American tradition. (John Garvey, Chicago Tribune)
17 February 2012. Religious liberty and conscience rights: A caution. (Dr. Jeff Mirus, CatholicCulture.org)
17 February 2012. Religious liberty vs. reproductive liberty: A new political minefield pits women against the church. (Lauren Brown Jarvis, Huff Post Politics)
17 February 2012. Obama administration responds to contraception mandate lawsuit: “Please look the other way.” (Becket Fund Press Release)
17 February 2012. Contraception objections fail Catholic’s moral reasoning. (David Gibson, Religion News Service via USA Today)
16 February 2012. Revised contraceptive coverage mandate challenged in lawsuit. (Howard Friedman, Religion Clause)
15 February 2012. Religious freedom experts mystified by events. (Joseph Kenny, St. Louis Review)
15 February 2012. The bishops aren’t alone: A plurality of Americans aware of President Obama’s contraceptives mandate now oppose it. (Editorial, Chicago Tribune)
15 February 2012. The “right to be insured” trumps religious liberty? (Joe Carter, Acton Institute Power Blog)
15 February 2012. Imam, Priest, Rabbi: Religious liberty and the birth control mandate. (The Red State Media)
15 February 2012. Diverse group of more than 300 academics and religious leaders call Obama’s HHS statement “Unacceptable.” (Becket Fund Press Release)
14 February 2012. Obama campaign’s truth team refutes ‘war on religion’ claims. (Stephanie Sameul, Christian Post)
14 February 2012. Birth-control mandate: Unconstitutional and illegal. (David B. Rivkin Jr. and Edward Whelan, The Wall Street Journal)
14 February 2012. Health care versus religious freedom. (Thomas Raphael-Nakos, Bettendorf.com)
14 February 2012. Where is the President’s sense of religious liberty? (Rev. William E. Lori, Investors.com)
14 February 2012. Bishops plan aggressive expansion of birth-control battle. (Stephanie Simon, Reuters via 790 KGMI News)
14 February 2012. Religious liberty or government tolerance? (Ray Nothstine, Acton Institute Power Blog)
14 February 2012. Hooray for liberty: The church has lost the contraception fight. (Wendy Kaminer, The Atlantic)
14 February 2012. Does the Left understand religious liberty? (David French, National Review Online)
14 February 2012. Religious leaders, academics rebuff Obama’s contraception policy change. (Dvid Uebbing, Catholic News Agency)
14 February 2012. Religious liberty in focus during US Bishops’ ad limina. (Vatican Radio)
13 February 2012. Letter: Not an attack on religious liberty. (W. Michael Slattery, htrnews.com)
13 February 2012. Guest opinion: The president’s assault of religious liberty concerns all. (Patrick Gillen, news-press.com)
13 February 2012. A Symposium on threats to our religious liberty. (Robert Royal, Michael Uhlmann, and Brad Miner, The Catholic Thing)
13 February 2012. Furor over dictate on contraception cpverage intensifying. (Cheryl Wetzstein, The Washington Times)
13 February 2012. Birth control as wedge issue against Republicans, ctd. (Greg Sargent, The Plum Line, The Washington Post)
12 February 2012. Faith and pro-life leaders to challenge Obama mandate by praying and risking arrest in front of the White House. (Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Christian Newswire)
11 February 2012. Editorial: Government must protect religious liberty, not ‘accommodate’ it. (The Washington Examiner)
10 February 2012. Jewish groups praise Obama contraceptives compromise. (JTA)
10 February 2012. ‘Accounting gimmick’ – Obama compromise still threatens religious liberty, leaders say. (Michael Foust, Baptist Press)
10 February 2012. Congressional leadership on religious liberty. (Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online)
10 February 2012. Religious Liberty 101: Jefferson & the Danbury Baptists. (Kelly Boggs, First Person, Baptist Press)
10 February 2012. Catholic Charities USA President responds to the Administration’s announcement on religious liberty. (PR Newswire)
10 February 2012. Heritage House reacts to White House “accommodation” to religious liberty. (Jennifer Marshall, The Foundry)
10 February 2012. Obama administration offers false “compromise” on abortion-drug mandate. (Emily Hardman, Becket Fund Press Release)
10 February 2012. Obama announces contraception compromise. (Alan Silverleib, CNN)
9 February 2012. Contraception mandate doesn’t protect religious liberty. (Hannah Smith, Debate Club, U.S. News)
9 February 2012. In birth control debate, religious beliefs don’t trump rights. (Wendy Kaminer, The Atlantic)
9 February 2012. Becket Fund files lawsuit for nun’s TV network against Obama’s abortion drug mandate. (Emily Hardman, Becket Fund Press Release)
9 February 2012. Freedom of religion is not a right-wing thing. (Nathalie Rothschild, Spiked)
9 February 2012. A rule that protects women and respects faith. (Rosa L. DeLauro, The Washington Post Opinions)
9 February 2012. Caesar v. religious liberty. (Marvin Olasky, World Magazine)
8 February 2012. Senate Democrats say Obama ‘reinforced’ his stance on contraception mandate a Democratic retreat. (Sunlen Miller, ABC News)
8 February 2012. Why would employers subsidize anyone’s birth control in the first place? (Matthew Yglesias, Slate)
8 February 2012. Former Congresswoman regrets ObamaCare vote; unaware of contraceptive mandate. (Michael Tennant, The New American)
8 February 2012. The secular media v. religious liberty. (Brent Bozell, NewsBusters)
7 February 2012. Mitch McConnell speaks for religious liberty from the Senate floor. (Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online)
7 February 2012. Obama advisors seek compromise on contraception rule. (Peter Wallsten and Sandhya Somashekhar, The Washington Post)
7 February 2012. ACLU on Today: Birth control does not put religious liberty at risk. (Alicia Gay, ACLU)
7 February 2012. Morning Bell: Obamacare awakens a sleeping giant. (Mike Brownfield, The Foundry)
6 February 2012. Birth control fights return to campaigns, with Jews in key posts. (Ron Kampeas, JTA)
6 February 2012. Obama’s trespass on religious liberty. (Steve Huntley, Chicago Sun-Times)
6 February 2012. Putting the growing birth control firestorm in perspective. (Sahil Kapur, TPM)
3 February 2012. Time to stand up and defend the faith. (Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post)
3 February 2012. President Obama versus religious liberty. (Mitt Romney, The Washington Examiner)
2 February 2012. Religious liberty can still trump ObamaCare. (Marco Rubio, The New York Post)
2 Februrary 2012. Lawmakers push for ‘conscience exemption’ in federal health law. (Ken Newton, News-Press Now)
2 February 2012. White House picks fight with conscience, Congress fights back. (Culture Watch, The Heritage Foundation)
1 February 2012. White House denies health-care mandate violates Catholic consciences. (Catholic World News)
31 February 2012. Rubio introduces bill to protect church organizations against Obama’s mandate. (Joan Frawley Desmond, National Catholic Register)
31 January 2012. White House: ‘No constitutional rights issue’ in forcing Catholics to act against their faith. (Fred Lucas, CNS News) [White House Press Briefing, 31 January]
31 January 2012. When religious liberties wither. (Matthew Lee Anderson, Mere Orthodoxy)
31 January 2012. Becket Fund praises Rubio over bill to repeal abortion-drug mandate. (Becket Fund Press Release)
30 January 2012. ObamaCare, the Catholic Church, and religious liberty. (Doug Mataconis, Outside the Beltway)
30 January 2012. The HHH contraception mandate vs. RFRA — Some closing observations. (Ed Whelan, National Review Online)
30 January 2012. Recipe for a rights war. (H.H. Ambrose, National Catholic Register)
30 January 2012. Religious liberty does not equal democratic religions. (Stephen Bainbridge, Professor Bainbridge.com)
29 January 2012. Catholic churches distribute letter opposing Obama healthcare rule. (ABC News)
29 January 2012. Birth control and reproductive rights. (Editorial, The New York Times)
29 January 2012. We are all abortionists now. (James C. Capretta, National Review Online)
29 January 2012. Ruling on contraception draws battle lines at Catholic colleges. (Denise Grady, The New York Times)
29 January 2012. Bishops out of touch with masses on birth control coverage. (Opinion: Des Moines Register)
28 January 2012. Government and its rivals. (Ross Douthat, The New York Times)