Kenyan Pentecostals launch a uniting organization
Nairobi, Kenya (ENInews)–Pentecostal churches in Kenya, which have proliferated quickly in recent years, announced on 23 May in nairobi the launch of a uniting organization called the Kenya National Congress of Pentecostal Church and Ministries. “We no longer want to be a church that just looks on, as our nation is crying and all we can offer is prayers,” Bishop Stanley Michuki, chairperson of the organization’s board of trustees, said at the launch announcement. “We want to be there to cry with the people, pray with them, but also provide assistance to them.” The group said it will be involved in development work, relief and humanitarian aid. [ENI-12-0292, 391 words]
In Manila, religious protests helped fan hype for Lady Gaga
Maurice Malanes
(ENInews)–Religious protests in the Philippines apparently helped American pop star Lady Gaga move tickets, as her two recent concerts in Manila were sell-outs. “Sold out night 2 in the Philippines. I love it here,” Gaga (whose real name is Stefani Germanotta) reportedly tweeted after her concert on 22 May was packed with 20,000 fans, the same number who attended the previous evening. [ENI-12-0293, 438 words]
Dutch Catholic child abuse inquiry to focus on girl victims
Utrecht, The Netherlands (ENInews)–Women who as children were victims of sexual abuse by Roman Catholic clergy in the Netherlands, are called to submit their testimony as a follow-up to a major inquiry, the official Roman Catholic broadcaster RKK announced 22 May. “The independent scientific research will focus on the sexual abuse of, and psychological violence against under-age women in the Roman Catholic Church in the Netherlands between 1945 and the present day,” it said. [ENI-12-0294, 408 words]
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