Ecumenical News International
News Highlights
25 May 2012
Russian Orthodox Church faces criticism for government links
(ENInews)–A senior Russian Orthodox priest has been attacked by left-wing politicians after he criticized opposition parties and called for a “strong personified central power” to govern the country. “It is increasingly evident from our television screens that Orthodox Christianity is being used to justify the current regime,” a Communist Party secretary, Valery Rashkin, told Russia’s Interfax news agency on 25 May. [ENI-12-0298, 373 words]
Religious leaders in three countries rally to eradicate polio
Geneva (ENInews)–Health ministers and officials from Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan said here on 24 May that support from Islamic leaders is helping efforts to eradicate polio. The three countries are the world’s only remaining polio-endemic nations, where transmission of the paralyzing disease has never stopped. [ENI-12-0299, 412 words]
Southern Sudanese again seek safety at Kakuma camp
(ENInews)–Violence in South Sudan and along the border with Sudan are forcing hundreds of families back to the Kakuma refugee camp in northwestern Kenya where they lived several years ago. The border clashes involve territorial control and resources. The violence between communities in newly-independent South Sudan involves cattle raids, reports Lutheran World Information, the information service of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). [ENI-12-0300, 554 words]
In a changed world, churches need to rethink communications
(ENInews)–The world of communication has changed so radically in the past 20 years that it is time for churches to rethink how they communicate concerns about injustice and conflict, said a group of Christian communicators gathered in Busan, South Korea. Busan is the site of the next assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC), scheduled for 30 October to 8 November 2013. The group of journalists and communication advocates met this week to draft a statement on the theme of the assembly, “God of life, lead us to justice and peace.” [ENI-12-0301, 512 words]
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