Robert John Araujo, Third Annual Lecture of the John Courtney Murray Chair. John Courtney Murray, S.J.: The Meaning of Social Justice in Catholic Thought, [Abstract], (44 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 331-347, 2012).
L. Scott Smith, Religious Toleration and the First Amendment, [Abstract], (22 Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 109-137, 2012).
Theological Argument in Law: Engaging With Stanley Hauerwas. Foreword by John D. Inazu; articles by W. Bradley Wendel, Elizabeth R. Schiltz, Michael P. Moreland, James Logan, Charlton C. Copeland, David A. Skeel, Jr., Cathleen Kaveny, Stephen Macedo, John D. Inazu, Stephen L. Carter, H. Jefferson Powell and Stanley Hauerwas. (75 Law & Contemporary Problems 1-251, 2012).