Articles of interest – February 3, 2014
Howard Friedman – Religion Clause
From SSRN- U.S. Law and Legal Theory
- Robert T. Miller, Dogmatic Philosophy: A Review of ‘Religion Without God’, (240 First Things 59 (February 2014)).
- Christopher C. Lund, Rethinking the ‘Religious Question’ Doctrine, (Pepperdine Law Review (symposium) (2014 Forthcoming)).
- Kristine Kalanges, Religious Liberty: Between Strategy and Telos, (11 Review of Faith in International Affairs 28-31 (Winter 2013)).
- Caspar Behme, ‘Ein furchtbares Verbrechen ward begangen’ – Schuld und Sühne in der Tannhäuser-Legende (‘A Fearful Crime Has Been Committed’ – Guilt and Expiation in the Tannhäuser Legend), (December 17, 2013).
- Brian McCall, Can a Pluralistic Commonwealth Endure? The Political Problem of Religious Pluralism and Why Philosophers Can’t Solve It by Thaddeus J. Kozinski, (Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy, Vol. 11, 2013).
- Caroline Mala Corbin, Corporate Religious Liberty, (January 24, 2014).
- Malcolm J. Harkins, The Uneasy Relationship of Hobby Lobby, Conestoga Wood, the Affordable Care Act and the Corporate Person: How a Historical Myth Woven Out of Whole Cloth Has Bedeviled the Legal System for Almost 150 Years, (St. Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy (2014)).
From SSRN- Non-US Law:
- Gerry van Klinken, Religion, Politics and Class Divisions in Indonesia, (In “Dealing with Diversity,” Bernard Adeney-Risakotta (ed.), Geneva: Globethics (2014)).
- Hamid Harasani, The English Rule Against Perpetuities and the Mandated Perpetuity of Islamic Waqfs: Three Colonial Cases, (8 The Journal of Comparative Law 172-191 (2013)).
- Clark B. Lombardi, Constitutional Provisions Making Sharia ‘A’ or ‘The’ Chief Source of Legislation: Where Did They Come from? What Do They Mean? Do They Matter?, (American University International Law Review, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 733-74, 2013).
- Kristine Kalanges, Talking Points on Report of the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief (2013). Heiner Bielefeldt, A/HRC/22/51, Human Rights Council, UN, Geneva, (Prepared for the Caritas in Veritate Foundation, May 2013).
- Roberto Perrone, Public Morals and the ECHR, (University of Leicester School of Law Research Paper No. 14-02 (Jan. 2014)).
- Amna M. Qureshi, The Use of Demeanour Evidence in Credibility Assessments at Trial – A Critical Examination, (January 1, 2014).
From SmartCILP and elsewhere:
Rafat Y. Alwazna, Testing the Precision of Legal Translation: The Case of Translating Islamic Legal Terms Into English, [Abstract], 26 International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 897-907 (2013).
Benjamin P. Edwards, When Fear Rules in Law’s Place: Pseudonymous Litigation As a Response To Systematic Intimidation, 20 Virginia Journal of Social Policy & Law 437-472 (2013).
William M. Janssen, Led Blindly: One Circuit’s Struggle to Faithfully Apply the U.S. Supreme Court’s Religious Symbols Constitutional Analysis, [Abstract], 116 West Virginia Law Review 33-107 (2013).
Irit Rosenblum, Being Fruitful and Multiplying: Legal, Philosophical, Religious, and Medical Perspectives on Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Israel and Internationally, [Abstract], 36 Suffolk Transnational Law Review 627-648 (2013).
Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 29, Issue 1 (Feb. 2014) has recently appeared.